Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ed Tech Time Line

During my 37 years on this planet, technology has certainly advanced exponentially throughout my life time, and possibly, at the historical height of its explosive growth during my life time. Seems only about 15 or so years where smartphones did not exist, I learned and contributed my first blog in 2000 during my undergraduate coursework, we got our first computer lab and six computers for students to use in my 6th grade class and cell/car phones were a status symbol in the 80s. Even though I am a borderline Gen X and Y kid and grew up at the cusp technology growth, I avoided it often because of where grew up and not really needing it. I would not have considered my self a digital native at all.

Presently, the MAT-T has changed my life. Over time I had become a digital native by necessity and in the beginning of taking this masters degree, I was skeptical about people trying to use technology to try and replace teachers and formal education. However, after advancing through the course work, the Teaching w/Technology Masters has only amplified my teaching and made me a better teacher. It has been a terrific experience in that I can adopt and accept the technology and still teach they way I love to teach. The technology has only made my teaching and student learning better.

Finally, I am not sure what will happen in the future. How about this. . .we will be able to down load our consciousnesses to the cloud and live forever as virtual, online consciousnesses. We will never age or get die, we will forever wonder cyber space as immortals experiencing "life" at the instant we think about what we want.

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